Hello everyone, I hope you are well, this time I am going to write about my opinions about tabú topics.
First of all, I have to say that I like to talk about these topics, because I think is so necessary to remove prejudices about them.
Ok, let´s go!
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in all cases?
 I am a total defender of abortion in all cases, because I think women must decide about their body. Society can not impose values ​​or beliefs to women.  Also I think that the Catholic Church should not intervene in the private lives of people.
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
Well, in this case I think marijuana should be the only legal drug, because it is not harmful for the people, but the other drugs are. Also I think that to legalize marijuana would help to fight traffic.
What is your opinion about the military?
I have two opinions about military. I know they are important for the country, because they are so useful in emergency situations, for example: tsunamis, earthquakes and fires, but historically they have killed and acted against the Chileans. Also I think that the government spends a lot of money in the military.
What is your opinion about tatoos?
I love tattoos, I love them so much. I have one. I think they are a form of expression,we should all have one.
This is it.


  1. friend, I really like what you think, I'm struck by your opinion about tattoos

  2. I also think that tattoos are a form of expression and also of art.

  3. I hope the government approve the legalization of abortion in all cases. But with this society... pretty difficult :(

  4. Mario also believes that free abortion should be legal! and that marijuana should be legalized, because it would be a boost to combat drug trafficking

  5. I am a defender of abortion in all cases too

  6. I encourage you to read my post about abortion, it's legal in France since 1975 !


  7. I love! I also believe that abortion must be free in all cases


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